Junk Worth Saving!


Vintage framed photo slick for Kramer Guitars autographed by the featured guitarist Vivian Campbell of Dio and Def Leppard fame. The signature is real, not printed, done in thick black marker, beautiful large bold signature. Looking at the signature with a loupe magnifier it is obvious that the signature was done by hand with a marker - definitely not printed! Included in the frame is a Vivian Campbell guitar pick with Def Leppard logo on one side and imprinted signature on the other side, we did not add the pick it has clearly been inside frame since the 1980s, we opened frame only to inspect and pick was not glued to the photo slick it stays in place inside original frame. Rare unique classic metal/guitar signed collectible, guaranteed to be real signature by Vivian Campbell or your money back.


8 x 10 in

SIGNED Vivian Cambell Kramer Guitar Photo Pick Def Leppard Dio GUARANTEED

Estimated Value: $50.00

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